Deacon Robert McAden


Robert McAden resides in Oxford, North Carolina where he is employed with Job Corps in Kittrell, NC in Food Service since 2021.  He also worked in retail since 1997 doing many jobs in customer service, sales, and visual merchandising. 

Robert danced in Atlantic Dance Theater and taught dance in New Bern, NC in 1987, and marching band camps throughout NC, SC, and Va. 

 Robert trained in dance in Norfolk, Va. at The Academy of The Tiderwater Ballet Association 1986-1987 on a dance scholarship.  He recently worked with the Riverside High School Marching Band colorguard for 8 years, winning numerous awards for best Colorguard.

Robert has experience of working with youth in various areas.  He has been a member of Uplift Outreach Ministries International Inc. since 2002.  He was ordained as a Deacon on November 21, 2010, and a faithful member of Uplift Outreach Ministries, Ministry Team.